7th International Convention for Environmental Laureates
The most renowned environmental Laureates are to meet at the 7th annual Convention in Freiburg, Germany
The European Environment Foundation brings together some 100 winners of environmental awards and prizes in its flagship event: The International Convention of Environmental Laureates (ICEL). Green city Freiburg is the perfect scenario for the 7th edition of this networking get-together, which takes place from 15th to 18th March 2018.
26 February 2018. Freiburg, Germany. For the seventh consecutive year, the European Environment Foundation invites the prize winners of renowned awards from all over the world to the International Convention for Environmental Laureates (ICEL) to connect, collaborate, and discuss issues and ideas under different themes.
Under the motto "Ecological FooDprint", participants will discuss the problems and challenges of its production, taking into account a variety of aspects like rapidly growing world population, climate change, agricultural monocultures, and the negative impact in environmental sustainability. The Convention will be held under the patronage of Professor Klaus Töpfer, Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), former Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and former German Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (1987-1994).
The Convention is organized in cooperation with FWTM GmbH & Co. KG (Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe). Among its highlights are Public Lectures by: Jennifer Morgan, CEO of Greenpeace International; Mathis Wackernagel, inventor of the Ecological Footprint; Klaus Töpfer, Former Under Secretary General of United Nations; Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Co-President Club of Rome; Kirsten Lund-Jurgensen, Executive Vice President and President of Pfizer Global Supply; and a Green Dinner by and with the German TV star chef Sarah Wiener.
The Laureates’ Symposium at ICEL provides a unique opportunity for distinguished participants to connect and interact with individuals across multiple sectors and present their work, projects and petitions among their peers. The laureates attending the event have been rewarded for their outstanding work, projects and leadership in very diverse fields, like nature conservation, renewable energy, human rights, social causes, and nevertheless a nuclear free future. These award winners shape a multidisciplinary and multicultural group, which year after year comes together with a final document (call for action) urging governments to take real action through public policy; this year´s overarching theme is “Food”.
The Young Talents Day takes place at the United World College and offers students the opportunity to meet real role models and experience their broad expertise encouraging them to own environmental efforts. This experience also provides the laureates with many fresh ideas and motivation for their valuable work for the protection of our planet.
Detailed information about the Environmental Convention, including programme and participants, is available at https://www.european-environment-foundation.eu/en-en/laureates-convention/upcoming-convention
About the European Environment Foundation (EEF)
Founded in 2011, the European Environment Foundation aims to give new impetus to environmental and climate policy. It has set itself the objective of promoting communication and expert discussions between members of society and those involved in politics, research and industry worldwide and across all disciplines.
Previous International Conventions of Environmental Laureates:
▪ 6th International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2017
Main theme: Environmental Policy in a Politically Changing World
Keynote speakers: Horst Köhler, Felix Finkbeiner & Tristram Stuart
Adoption: “Call to end repression against environmental defenders”
▪ 5th International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2016
Main theme: Governance for real sustainability
Keynote speaker: Michael Wadleigh
Film premiere: POWER TO CHANGE – The Energy Rebellion
Adoption: “Call to the government of Honduras”
▪ 4th International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2015
Main theme: Adaptation to Climate Change
Keynote speaker: Bianca Jagger
Adoption: “Environmental Laureates’ Call for a CO2 Emissions Tax”
▪ 3rd International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2014
Keynote speakers: Jeremy Leggett, Gunter Pauli, Monika Griefahn
Point appeal by the 160 environmental laureates in the New York Times: “An appeal to the world’s foundations and philanthropists by the world’s environmental prize winners”
▪ 2nd International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2013
Main theme: New coalitions to address limits to growth
Keynote speakers: Ashok Khosla, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Adoption: “Call for action to policy makers and pioneers of change”
▪ 1st International Convention of Environmental Laureates – 2012
Main theme: On the way to Rio+ 20
Keynote speaker: Jeremy Rifkin
Adoption: “Declaration on Rio+20”