Dipal Chandra Barua

Bright Green Energy Foundation
Founder and Chairman, Bright Green Energy Foundation
Private Sector, Climate Change, Sustainable Energy
The Ashden Awards, 2006
Right Livelihood Award, 2007
Zayed Future Energy Prize, 2009
European Solar Prize 2006
I have devoted more than 35 years of his life, finding sustainable market based solutions for the social and economic problems faced by the rural people. I was the Founding Managing Director, Grameen Shakti and the Co-Founder & Former Deputy Managing Director of Grameen Bank. Back in 1996, I have introduced a innovative financial model which have made Solar Home System Affordable to the rural people at the price of kerosene. By following the path now Bangladesh already have installed over 4.5 million SHS in the rural areas of Bangladesh. As the Founder & Chairman of the Bright Green Energy Foundation I have installed over 150,000 SHS in the off grid areas of the country. Replacing currently used traditional hazardous diesel pumps with Solar powered irrigation pump in the remote areas of Bangladesh.It reduces dependency on weather and grid electricity. Till today, I have been dedicatedly contributing for the expansion of the use of renewable energy technology in Bangladesh.