Mathilde Halla



SENECA - Seniorennetzwerk contra Atom


Sustainable Energy, General interest in environmental issues, Education / Communications

The Nuclear-Free Future Award, 2005

Mathilde Halla, was a schoolteacher for mentally challenged children. In 1973 she joined a small activist organization in Austria and started campaigning against the nuclear power plant Zwentendorf. In 1986, after the Chernobyl accident she founded an Upper Austrian network against nuclear power and two years later she was vice president of the Austrian network AAI (Anti Atom International). For more than three decades she coordinated demonstrations, meetings, boycotts, wrote articles and brochures, published a book etc. Halla was awarded with many national and international prizes: For example in 2000 with the “Konrad Lorenz Staatspreis”and in 2005 the Nuclear-Free Future Award.