Horacio Sirolli
Wetlands Ecology Research Group - University of Buenos Aires
Sustainable Land Management, Biodiversity / Nature Conservation
UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for Environmental Preservation, 2015
MAB Young Scientists Awards 2011. UNESCO.
Horacio Sirolli is a biologist and scientific researcher. He is researching as part of his PhD thesis, on ecology and conservation of the forests of the Lower Delta of ParanĂ¡. He has directed University Extension Projects which aims to generate productive alternatives for the sustainable development of Islanders and native forests of the Lower Delta. He is also responsible in charge of the Conservation and Monitoring Sector of the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve (Government of Buenos Aires City) where he conducts activities to increase knowledge of the protected ecosystems and to detect changes in them. Among his scientific production has 5 articles in scientific journals, a chapter of book, 16 presentations to scientific meetings, 5 technical reports and an article in a divulgation journal. He has directed 3 bachelor's degree thesis projects. Within its track record in extension, he directed 4 outreach projects that was in charge, in total, 8 Fellows of extension.